Father are VIPs

Sometimes fathers get the short end of the stick! Fathers are often thought of as absentee, part-time father, or a deadbeat dad. The Fathers are VIPs believe that every father, regardless of your involvement, is a Vital Irreplaceable Partner. The Fathers are VIPS can assist fathers to build healthier relationships with their children and others, increase their parenting knowledge and skills, and assist with child support concerns. Fathers are VIPS offer the following services:
  1. Fatherhood parenting classes
  2. Case Management
  3. Counseling and Mentoring Services
  4. Employment Training and Assistance
  5. Family Legal Services
  6. Resources and Referrals

If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your specific concerns, please click here

Enroll Now for parenting classes online or on your mobile phone. Click here


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Enter invite code GEC6750

To register for pregnancy or parenting courses from your mobile phone

for I-phone users go to: Click Here

for Android users go to: Click Here

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Enter invite code GEC6750